
Graduation Requirements


Graduation Requirements for MMA/NYS Regents Diploma: 29 credits minimum

  • 4 credits 英语
  • 4 credits Social Studies
  • 4 credits Math
  • 3 credits Science
  • 3 credits Foreign Language
  • 4 credits Theology
  • 3.5 Elective credits
  • 2学分P.E.
  • 1 credit Fine 艺术/Music
  • 1/2 credit Health


Required Regents Exam

Regents Diploma:

  • 英语
  • 全球历史
  • 美国历史上
  • Integrated Algebra
  • Living Environment


Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation:

  • 英语
  • 全球历史
  • 美国历史上
  • Integrated Algebra
  • Living Environment
  • 几何
  • Algebra II Trigonometry
  • Physical Science (ie. Earth Science, Chemistry)
  • LOTE


Honors Distinction

  • To earn a diploma "with honors," students must earn an average score of 90% or higher on all Regents exams.
  • Regents Diploma: Average score of 90% or higher on all 5 required exams.
  • Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation: Average score of 90% or higher on all 9 required exams.
"Mount Mercy has positively changed my life forever. Through the inviting community, I was able to grow as a woman, 作为女儿, 作为朋友, and as a member of society. Throughout my time here I have gained an education in both academic areas and life in general through the school's ongoing efforts to educate students on gender inequality, racial injustice, and environmental crisis'. 此外, Mercy has given me the space to gain confidence that 4 years ago I never would have guessed I would have. Mount Mercy has helped me take that initial step toward becoming the strong woman of color I am today. At Mercy you are more than just a student, you are whoever you wish to be."

Melina Courtney


"My future, success, and the ability to be an empowered woman in society come from Mount Mercy. My school is a strong foundation for my role in life. From attending Mount Mercy, I can say with confidence, that I will graduate with the mindset that I can accomplish anything. Mercy is my home and my sanctuary to be whoever I want. Mount Mercy has been bringing forth generations of strong intellectual women into the world, and I am more than honored to be one of them. Mercy teaches girls more than academics, but also about the world around us. As a mercy community, we give back to the world because it is our home. From my four years at Mercy, I have been educated on pushing for equality and peace and the understanding that there is no limit to what I can do. I have the confidence to go out in the world and make a difference because being a Mercy girl has given me that opportunity. "



"Mercy is more than just a school. Mercy is my second home and a shoulder to lean on. Mount Mercy has given me the confidence and resources to pursue my passions and make the world a more inclusive place, propelling me to take strides into male-dominated fields. Mercy blessed me with an environment to grow intellectually and in the community, giving me the foundation to make a tangible impact while making lifelong friendships."



College Acceptances

Where our Mercy Girls go